Ask the Experts Update 2-15 March 2024

  HR & EMPLOYMENT LAW Jackie Le Poidevin, Editor-in-Chief, HR AdviserEmail: Keep Track of What’s on the Horizon in April for HR Practitioners Each April, HR practitioners need to ensure they’re complying with the new statutory pay...

Ask the Experts Update 2-16 February 2024

  HR & EMPLOYMENT LAW Jackie Le Poidevin, Editor-in-Chief, HR AdviserEmail: 7 Tips to Prevent Illegal Working as Penalties Triple On 13 February, the civil penalty for employing an illegal worker tripled to up to £60,000 per worker. On...

Ask the Experts Update 6 – 19 January 2024

    HR & EMPLOYMENT LAW Jackie Le Poidevin, Editor-in-Chief, HR AdviserEmail: Updated Flexible Working Code of Practice Published: What’s Changed? Acas has now published a revised version of its updated Code of Practice on...

Ask the Experts Update 9 – 22 December 2023

  HR & EMPLOYMENT LAW Jackie Le Poidevin, Editor-in-Chief, HR AdviserEmail: Get Set for Trio of New Employment Rights from April From April, employees will gain three new rights, the Government has confirmed. These are the right to...